Women’s Nutrition Management Program

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Women’s Nutrition Management Program

Women have unique nutritional needs. By eating well at every stage of life, you can control cravings, manage your weight, boost your energy, and look and feel your best. With nutritional requirement changes in each phase like growth in teenage, reproductive years, pregnancy, lactating, menopause etc. the food intake also has to change accordingly.

Also, for women after 40, metabolism tends to get slower and they start losing muscle mass. Some of these changes women experience are due to decreased hormones, reduced activity level, and medical conditions. Much of the weight gain occurs around the belly which has been linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and certain cancers. Therefore, managing nutrition becomes of utmost importance.

Dr Ruchi will help you follow a diet plan keeping in mind the hormonal changes, metabolic rate, clinical conditions and other important parameters, which give optimal results. With the right diet, weight loss also happens in a scientific manner.

  Program Features

  • Focus on changing iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and mineral requirements
  • Guidance on intake of sugars and saturated fats that usually cause weight gain
  • Prevention and management of conditions like PCOS, osteoporosis
  • No starving or missing of meals
  • No unrealistic weight loss goals
  • No prescription of weight loss pills, unnecessary supplements
  • Complete personal attention provided by Dr Ruchi
  • This will be a flexible, easy to follow plan that takes into consideration your food likes and dislikes, cooking skills and lifestyle
  • Focus is on seasonal foods and easily available ingredients alongwith introduction to traditional flours and millets
  • Provide you with ideas and recipes for quick, delicious meals

  General Pointers

  • Diets planned post complete assessment by Dr.Ruchi herself
  • No assistants involved: all diets put together by Dr.Ruchi herself
  • Regular follow ups and support on call and video or physical consultation available on appointment. They can be scheduled as required by the client (10.00 am to 6.00 pm: Monday to Saturday) except for holidays

  Package Cost

For FIRST TIME registration a fee of Rs 500/- will become payable for any of the packages. On subsequent renewal there would be no extra charge.

“If you are looking for online consultation or have a query that needs to be resolved, Please write to us”