Weight Management Program – Weight Loss

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Weight Management Program - Weight Loss

Weight is just one of the parameters of health. Being overweight or underweight has its own implications on your health. Excess weight is related with risk of certain conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, PCOS and other chronic and lifestyle diseases. When you maintain right weight it can help manage your blood pressure and total cholesterol level, sugar levels and other parameters. It also can relieve symptoms and prevent injuries related to being overweight.

Being underweight is a signal of some underlying metabolic conditions. With time it may lead to low immunity, lower energy levels, deficiencies, hormonal issues and growth/development issues, making one prone to diseases. Therefore it is important to be at the right body weight. Also, many times, underweight people follow bad eating habits as they believe that they cannot ever become ’fat’, but in the process they may land up with disturbed lipid profiles and many other parameters.

While many people want to lose/gain weight, most are unsure about the right way to do so. In this program, Dr Ruchi will focus on helping your goal of managing your weight by working on the underlying cause of your condition, for example poor nutrient absorption or low BMI. Following this program might require you to alter your schedule to make changes to your diet and exercise. We assure you that it will be well worth it in the end.

Do keep in mind that weight loss or gain depends on a lot of factors like eating habits, lifestyle, sleep, activity levels, etc. It is also a slow process and takes time to be effective as it is being done in a scientific manner rather than crash or fad dieting/starving. Also, nobody can predermine how much weight one can lose or gain in a given time. Dr Ruchi will work with you to set realistic weight goals.

Please do note that in this package there would not be any focus on your medical conditions. In case there is one then you would be requested to follow the ‘Management of Clinical Conditions’ program which would help you manage the condition and you will lose weight also in the process.

  Program Features

  • No unrealistic weight loss or gain goals
  • Customised plan with monitoring
  • Guided and systematic approach
  • No pills or dietary supplements given to aid weight loss or gain
  • Provide support at every stage
  • This will be a flexible, easy to follow plan that takes into consideration your food likes and dislikes, cooking skills and lifestyle
  • Focus is on seasonal foods and easily available ingredients alongwith introduction to traditional flours and millets
  • Provide you with ideas and recipes for quick, delicious meals

  General Pointers

  • Diets planned post complete assessment by Dr.Ruchi herself
  • No assistants involved: all diets put together by Dr.Ruchi herself
  • Regular follow ups and support on call and video or physical consultation available on appointment. They can be scheduled as required by the client (10.00 am to 6.00 pm: Monday to Saturday) except on holidays

  Package Cost

*For FIRST TIME registration a fee of Rs 500/- will become payable for any of the packages. On subsequent renewal there would be no extra charge.

“If you are looking for online consultation or have a query that needs to be resolved, Please write to us”