Healthy Recipes

Millet upma

Millet Upma is a wholesome dish that not only satisfies hunger but also provides essential nutrients. Millets are rich in fibre, protein, and minerals…

Sattu Chaas

Sattu is rich in protein, high in fiber, and easy to digest; it is also a good source of minerals like iron and magnesium,…

Coconut Chaas

INGREDIENTS SERVES 2, MAKES 750 ml. 2 cups Coconut milk 1 cup water ¼ cup mint leaves 2 ½ tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon…

Spice Infusion

Ingredients: 1 cup water (approximately 250ml) 2 tsp. Zeera (Cumin Seeds) 1 tbsp. Ajwain (Carom Seeds) 1 small stick of cinnamon or 1/4 tsp….