Healthy Recipes

Tomato Shorba

Tomato Shorba is light and easy on your stomach and helps enhance digestion of food. It is recommended during monsoon and winters as it…

Egg Salad

This salad serves a blast of nutrients, it is not only rich in vitamin B12 and proteins, but is an excellent source of many…

Hung Curd Dip

Hung curd is a versatile ingredient and can be used to make a number of dishes. It is low in fat and rich in…

Roasted Grain Chaat

This chaat is not just tasty but also keeps you full for a longer period and provides a great combination of fiber, minerals, vitamins,…

Lemongrass Infusion

Lemongrass belongs to the grass family, but has the aroma of lemon. This citrusy infusion is refreshing as well as healthy and free from…

Herbal DCN Powder

Helps to manage blood glucose levels and control cholesterol. Helpful to cure digestive issues like acid reflux and indigestion symptoms, this even helps to…