Cholesterol and its Management

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High LDL levels or what we refer to as high Cholesterol can be detrimental to health with buildup of plaque in arteries, reduced blood flow to organs and increased risk of heart attacks, among a host of other problems. Preventing and managing cholesterol is a must given the toll it can take on the body.

Some of the ways in which you can manage it are:

  • Regular moderate exercise should be included in your daily routine in consultation with a physician.
  • Adding nutrients such as Niacin and Vitamin C can lower cholesterol. Do not take Niacinamide instead of Niacin, and avoid Niacin altogether if you have liver disorder, gout, or high blood pressure.

Incorporate the following changes in your diet for improved cholesterol levels:

  • Add Niacin rich foods such as avocados, peanuts, nuts, whole grains, potatoes, mushrooms and green peas.
  • Increase the intake of fibre, especially water soluble dietary fibre that is known to reduce serum cholesterol, in the form of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Add barley, beans, brown rice, fruits, glucomannan, guargum and oats to your diet. Remember to add mineral supplements when you increase intake of fibre.
  • There are foods that have cholesterol lowering properties such as almonds, apples, bananas, carrots, cold-water fish, dried beans, garlic, grapefruit, oats, olive oil, salmon, strawberries, cinnamon and walnuts. Strawberries in particular are excellent at minimising damage due to oxidation, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Avoid all nuts, other than raw, unsalted walnuts and almonds. Almonds are rich in arginine which is known to cut cholesterol levels by 16%in four weeks.

Add and rotate three kinds of oils from different sources.

One from a plant source that is regional and seasonal, such as mustard oil or olive oil. The other one can be a nut or seed oil such as sesame oil and flaxseed oil, with butter or Desi Ghee as the third.

Highly processed vegetable oils like rice bran, canola and palm oil are not recommended. Add seed oils such as sesame oil and flaxseed oil.* Unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils that have not been heated above 110°F during processing such as extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, kacchi ghani mustard oil are also good.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices like carrot, beet and celery juice (CBC) are helpful, especially carrots that flush out fat from bile in the liver, reducing cholesterol.

Follow monthly Liver Detox Fasts with carrot and celery juice or lemon juice and steam-distilled water.

Find more information regarding Liver Detox Fasts on our website.

Adding Fish oil along with these in the diet helps lower triglycerides.

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