Cholesterol and its types

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Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in the cells of our body. It is an essential component of cell membranes and is involved in various biological functions. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and can also be obtained through certain foods, such as animal products. It plays a crucial role in the synthesis of hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids, which aid in digestion.

Cholesterol travels through the bloodstream in packages called lipoproteins, which consist of cholesterol, proteins, and triglycerides. There are two main types of lipoproteins: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

What is LDL?

Most of the transport of cholesterol across the body is carried out by Low Density Lipoproteins. It is also known as the bad cholesterol because elevated LDL levels lead to various health problems.

It is known to cause–

  • Deposits of cholesterol or buildup of plaque in arteries.
  • Reduced blood flow to brain, kidneys, genitals, extremities and heart.
  • Erectile dysfunction, gallstones mental impairment and high blood pressure.
  • Increased risk of heart attacks.

LDL is among the primary causes of heart disease making it a must to manage its level in the body.

What is HDL?

High Density Lipoproteins are the good cholesterol as they carry unwanted cholesterol back to the liver to be broken down and removed from the body. More cholesterol than HDLs can carry, or not enough HDL can cause cholesterol to form plaque that sticks to the walls of the arteries, causing heart problems.

While being mindful of LDL and HDL, serum cholesterol and dietary cholesterol are also important factors to consider. While dietary cholesterol is the cholesterol that is present in the food that we eat, serum cholesterol is present in the bloodstream. Dietary cholesterol can enhance the level of serum cholesterol in the body, but even if there is no cholesterol in your diet, your body will still produce some amount of serum cholesterol.

The genetic makeup of a person is also important in understanding their cholesterol levels.

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