…Vikas Aggarwal, New Jersey, USA
A: Weight only reverts when one follows crash diets or mono diets. At DCN we plan your meals in the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats so that the body metabolism never slows down. In fact, we work on improving your BMR which further helps you to maintain the lost weight.
In this journey towards a healthier lifestyle, we are a catalyst to help you understand your body and make better food choices. This ensures you are armed with sufficient knowledge to plan your meals even when we part ways.
…Neha Rastogi, Bangalore, India
A: We plan the diet from the regular foods one eats in his/her daily routine, in such a way that most of the times they can enjoy it with their family too. We support you by sharing delicious and healthy recipes for the health plans suggested by us.
There are no pills or powders recommended at DCN. We believe in the right food for good health and being food smart as weight loss is a by-product of being healthy.
…Dr P.N. Gupta, Powai, Mumbai
A: Starving will never lead to weight loss, eating will. Starving reduces your metabolism and increases the mechanism of storing fat in our body.
We plan your meals keeping in mind your lifestyle, food likes –dislikes, portion requirement and present clinical conditions. There is lot of emphasis at DCN to provide you with customised plans that will help you achieve your health goals and be disease free. Remember, only the right food that gives you essential nutrients can help you achieve health beyond weight loss.